Frequently Asked Questions

What is solar electricity?

Solar electricity is electricity that’s generated through the use of solar photovoltaic (PV) technology. Solar PV panels are used to capture the sun’s free and clean renewable energy, turning it into electricity.

How do solar PV cells work?

Solar PV cells are made from layers of semi-conducting material, usually silicon. When light shines on the material, electrons are knocked loose, creating a flow of electricity.

The cells don’t need direct sunlight to work, they can work on a cloudy day. However, the stronger the sunshine, the more electricity generated.

Solar PV cells are grouped into modules, and modules usually grouped into solar arrays – modules and arrays come in a variety of shapes and sizes.

Most PV systems are made up of panels that fit on top of your roof, but you can also install on the ground, or fit solar tiles.

The electricity generated is direct current (DC), whereas the electricity you use for household appliances is alternating current (AC). An inverter is installed along with the system to convert DC electricity to AC.

Do I need a South-facing roof for Solar Panels?

Solar Panels work well on any roof facing South, SE or SW. Although your Solar Panels will perform better and produce more electricity if they are South facing, they will still perform at 86% (compared to South facing) either facing due East or West. Any nearby buildings or trees could shade your roof and have a negative impact on the performance of your system.

How much roof space do I need for Solar Panels?

Space is a key consideration. As a general guide, a roof area of 10-20 square metres would be enough to deliver between 20% and 45% of the typical household’s electricity needs. Our popular panels generate the most energy per m2 so you can still get plenty of electricity from a smaller roof.

Do I need constant sunshine for my Solar Panels to work?

No, Solar Panels work in all daylight conditions and actually work at their optimum at 10ºc. In fact, if it gets too hot they start to become increasingly inefficient.

Do solar panels still work on cloudy days?

Absolutely! It’s actually radiation from the sun, rather than temperature, heat or direct sunlight, that enables solar PV panels to generate electricity.

Solar panels in hot sunny countries are bound to gather more energy, but don’t need constant direct sunlight to work and can still generate electricity when the weather is cloudy. Don’t forget either that Germany is currently the world leader in solar energy generation – not exactly a country well known for its abundance of sun!

What guarantees will my Solar Panels come with?

Solar Panels come with a manufacturer’s warranty of 25 years out of which the first 10 years is a Replacement warranty and the rest of 15 years is a Service warranty.

How long will my Solar Panels last for?

Solar PV systems have no moving parts apart from the inverter and as such have very long- life spans. You should expect the panels to last for at least 25 years.

How long does it take to install Solar Panels?

Most domestic Solar Panel installations take no more than a day with minimum disruption. Typically, the structure (only GI material) will be erected a couple of days before the Solar PV installation team arrive. We will then mount the panels on the roof and install the inverter, finally carrying out the internal wiring.

Do Solar Panels need cleaning?

Solar panels are generally self-cleaning if positioned at an angle of over 15 degrees. However, it is advised to visually inspect them annually and rinse if necessary.

What ongoing service and maintenance do Solar Panels require?

It is recommended that your Solar Panels are checked and serviced every 2 years. We offer a standard service and maintenance package, which your local office can advise you on.

Is there a danger my Solar Panels will blow off the roof during a storm?

It’s highly unlikely, when we install the Solar PV panels we make sure they are securely weighed down by a concrete block securing each of the legs of the panel system. Our panels are always mounted at least 30cm in from the edge of the roof to prevent excessive wind loading.

How do Solar Panels connect to the electrical supply in my home?

The electricity produced by your Solar Panels is converted from DC (direct current) by the inverter to AC (alternating current), which your home is run on. The electricity is then taken from the inverter via an AC cable to your distribution board, where it is used to power the circuits in your home.

If I have Solar Panels can I come off grid?

Solar PV panels alone will not give you electricity 24 hours a day as they only produce electricity in daylight hours. You would need alternative energy sources or a battery system as well as Solar PV panels to be able to come off grid. Please speak to our Sales representative regarding off grid installs.

Will my Solar Panels work when there is a power cut?

For security reasons, the inverters go OFF when there is a power cut. There are alternative ways to charge the home ups system. Please speak to our Sales representatives for more information.

Do I need to change my electricity meter to an export meter if I have Solar Panels?

There are 2 options:

1.) Yes. Your current EB meter (uni-directional) to be replaced with Net Meter (bi- directional). The electricity that is left over after your use will be exported to Grid which gets paid (reduced in your bill) at the end of every cycle. Nominal amount to be paid to the EB to get the meter replaced (all paper works will be taken

2.) There is also an option to install Export cutter which will not export the left over current to Grid. In this case, your solar system will remain like any other load in the house independent of the Grid.